
Book Hotels with NEO (NEO)

Did you know you can use NEO to pay for your hotel? At, you can travel and book hotel accommodation at your desired destinations using NEO. The NEO payment is accepted and booking confirmed in minutes.

What is NEO (NEO)?

Launched in 2014 as Antshares and China’s first blockchain platform, NEO rebranded in 2017. NEO’s vision is one of a smart economy using digital assets, digital identities and smart contracts It has a great reputation for supporting decentralized projects and is China’s leading public blockchain project.

NEO provided significant support to and is a valued partner in furthering blockchain adoption with NEO accepted as a payment method for hotel rooms.

To learn more about NEO, please visit:

How can I make payments for my hotel bookings with NEO (NEO)?

Select your hotel

Choose NEO currency


Search and choose your destination


Choose your hotel & Select your room


Fill out your details

Login or register your new account


Enter your personal details.


Pay for your hotel booking

Select your payment method - Crypto


Choose "NEO"

Click on the button "Complete Reservation". Complete the booking by sending the amount in {{coin}} to the address shown.
You have now made your payment with NEO. You will then receive a hotel booking email confirmation. Booking a hotel with NEO is as simple as that and you’re ready to travel!

Book your hotel with NEO today!

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Book Hotels with NEO (NEO)

Did you know you can use NEO to pay for your hotel? At, you can travel and book hotel accommodation at your desired destinations using NEO. The NEO payment is accepted and booking confirmed in minutes.

What is NEO (NEO)?

Launched in 2014 as Antshares and China’s first blockchain platform, NEO rebranded in 2017. NEO’s vision is one of a smart economy using digital assets, digital identities and smart contracts It has a great reputation for supporting decentralized projects and is China’s leading public blockchain project.

NEO provided significant support to and is a valued partner in furthering blockchain adoption with NEO accepted as a payment method for hotel rooms.

To learn more about NEO, please visit


How can I make payments for my hotel bookings with NEO?

Select your hotel

To see and pay for your room in NEO, please select the currency tab on the website header menu, and choose NEO.


Search and choose your destination, using the filter to select your preferred hotel, check-in and check-out date and the number of occupants and rooms.


Choose your hotel & Select your room


Fill out your details

Enter your personal details. You can either login (if you already have an account with or register your new account to enjoy savings on all of your future hotel bookings.


Pay for your hotel booking

After entering all of your information, click the crypto payment method and select Pay using NEO. The screen will show the price in both NEO and your chosen fiat currency.


Click on the button "Complete Reservation". A popup will appear to make the payment. Complete the booking by sending the amount in NEO to the address shown.

You have now made your payment with NEO.
You will then receive a hotel booking email confirmation.
Booking a hotel with NEO is as simple as that and you’re ready to travel!

Book your hotel with NEO today!

Customer Reviews

As the leading NEO-friendly accommodation booking platform, always strives to bring our customers a seamless booking experience. Pay for your stay anywhere in the world using NEO.

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