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    Why has the price of my flight changed?

    Prices for flights are received from our partners and carriers. All prices are updated automatically when the price changes, which is usually (but not always) based on demand. 

    Sometimes, the price of your flight may change while you are in the process of making a booking. In this scenario, we will notify you of the price change before you proceed with your purchase. You can then choose to proceed with the new price or return to your search results to view other options. We will never charge you for a price that you did not agree to.



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        Why has the price of my flight changed?

        Prices for flights are received from our partners and carriers. All prices are updated automatically when the price changes, which is usually (but not always) based on demand. 

        Sometimes, the price of your flight may change while you are in the process of making a booking. In this scenario, we will notify you of the price change before you proceed with your purchase. You can then choose to proceed with the new price or return to your search results to view other options. We will never charge you for a price that you did not agree to.



        If you did not find what you were looking for, feel free to contact us.